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Rainbow Dash has it all. She's popular, respected by those around her, and now that she's been accepted into the Wonderbolts Reserves, her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt is that much closer to being realized.

However, on a day she spends with her surrogate little sister, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash receives news that will change her life forever. Everypony must deal with loss at some point or another...

Set after much of season 4, but before Equestria Games and Twilight's Kingdom.

Art by GromekTwist

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Kiss of the Dark

Six months after the events of Kiss of the Dark, Twilight is deep into her pregnancy with Sombra's child. The foal is due any moment now, and she grows more excited by the day.

However, her memories of Sombra still haunt her. Torturing her in her dreams, making her feel guilty for the things she's done with him....

Once Celestia catches wind of it, she takes it upon herself to help her former student once more. After all, its best that they fix things once and for all before the foal arrives...

Cover by AmberSolaen/Starburst Dawn.

Reading Kiss of the Dark before reading this story is recommended, but not required.

Chapters (4)

While visiting Ponyville, Shining Armor meets Big Macintosh and the two quickly hit it off as best buds. However, they soon find that Twilight and Applejack may be canoodling with suspicious stallions of the town. Ever alert, the two buffoons big brothers work together to protect their little sisses from the male persuasion. The result can only be hilarity.

Chapters (5)

Love and Hope once shone bright from a gleaming crystal city, only to be lost to the evils of indifference and despair. This is a tale of the leaders who built an empire based upon those virtues, and the two newly weds who are about to realize their shared destiny in reclaiming it.

[AU] Because of the Two Sisters book and Sombra Comic.

Edited by: Bok and Voidchicken
Proofread by: Geomancing and Wylie
Cover art by: FoxInShadow

Chapters (8)

Hard lives breed hard ponies, whether by choice or by need. A chance meeting, a kindness rebuffed, and a direction of travel shared all lead to a journey of self-discovery on two fronts.

Cover is a composite of images from the talented artists Murphylaw4me and Dufy.

Chapters (7)

Disgraced. Dethroned. Unwanted by her own parents. These are just the few things that describe the former queen of the changelings. For Chrysalis, the only thing she can properly call herself is desperate, hungry, and lonely. Fortunately for her, she isn’t fully alone. Fortunately for her, she carries the unwanted offspring from a pony that sent her hurling across Equestria with a blinding light. Though she has nothing left to live for, she reluctantly chooses to raise the child once it’s born. The only question is, does she have enough strength to deliver it?

Edited by: Sorren, SolidFire, and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I'm sorry, Sis: Scootaloo

Rarity is not having a very good day. First, her sister Sweetie Belle gets involved in a fire at Sweet Apple Acres with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, spoiling Rarity's plans to spend time with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Deciding to return Sweetie to their parents, Rarity makes a new plan for the evening.

What Rarity doesn't seem to realize is that she may be letting her anger get the best of her. As she continues to rage and blame Sweetie Belle for everything that goes wrong, the simple truth behind the whole sequence of events continues to elude her, and she is set on course to making a terrible mistake.

(Side story to I'm Sorry, Sis: Scootaloo, which isn't required reading. Edited by TheShadow)

Chapters (2)

While normally far from the type to play video games, especially violent ones, Rarity finds herself convinced to join the girls in playing Black Sunset, one of the most popular games in the country. It's not long, however, until the game has her thinking about what's going on with her life. Namely, Spike. While the years had both washed over them, blossoming her into a mature, college educated woman and Spike into a fine lad himself on his junior year in high-school, his obvious interest in her has yet to fade. Rather, it's grown stronger.

A part of her yearns for the simpler times, back when he was a child with a childish crush.

But another faint, diminutive part of her is curious. Wanting. Wanting to sit back and listen to him. Listen to him express himself to her.

In his own way.

Thanks for the featured guys! It's a great honor!


Wrote for the contest in the Sparity group. Check out some of the other contenders, I'm sure they'll be top notch!

Special thanks to Peregrine Caged and Jake the Ginger for editing and being bros. Addational pre-reader thanks also goes to:

and RainbowBob

Thanks guys! Couldn't do it without you.

Chapters (1)